Platform 10 , . . WTH?
but . . . but . . . but we’re ALWAYS on platform 9. I’m not sure I can cope with this much sudden change in one day!
Quiz time . . .
The BBC has posted a couple of quizes today, one on sporting rules and the other on sitcoms.
I managed a pair of pathetic scores of 1 on sporting rules (!) and 5 on Sitcoms . . . surely you can all do better?
New Star Trek trailers, now available
New Star Trek trailers, now available: I’m probably not quite as excited for the new Star Trek movie as I am for Watchmen but it will be nice to see a new, fresh and re-imagined version of Star Trek after 20 years of the same formula being re-re-re-re-re-re-hashed … and the Trailer’s not bad either. Full marks to Simon Pegg for the comedy Scotty accent 😉
Kitty Cat Hitches Ride on Back of a Roomba
Kitty Cat Hitches Ride on Back of a Roomba: Welcome to the anthisis of the previous post … a cat sat on a running Roomba. Now I don’t know if I’m just overly anthropomorphisising (real word or too many endings?) here but it looks to me like this cat is perfectly happy accepting this lift, but is somewhat bemused that he’s not ending up anywhere new or interesting, like at the food bowl.
Police and teachers on BNP list
Police and teachers on BNP list:
So a bunch of people are members of a an organisation that either a) they’re not allowed to be, b) they’re ashamed of being and c) apparently is pretty lacking in it’s data security procedures.
I have zero sympathy for any of these racist bastards being outed as being racist bastards …
IT Crowd third season starts on Friday!
IT Crowd third season starts on Friday!: Oh hell yes 😉