Programmer Jokes . . .
Programmer Jokes . . .: Lots and lots and lots and lots of really really techy and geeky jokes …
Jet Pack Crosses 1,500-Foot Long Colorado Canyon, Breaks World Record
Crazy: Jet Pack Crosses 1,500-Foot Long Colorado Canyon, Breaks World Record:
A couple of days ago I posted a story about an insane man trying to back-flip a truck … now here’s another one jumping a Canyon, with the aid of a jetpack.
The flight takes around 21 seconds, which isn’t bad, but when you consider that the ‘range’ of this jetpack is only just over 30 seconds (and you take a look at the size of the Canyon) you can see just how risky this little stunt was.
Looks damn good fun though … where can I get one from? It would make my morning trip to work significantly more interesting 🙂
HomePlug PowerLine PL-85PE 85Mbps Ethernet Adapter
HomePlug PowerLine PL-85PE 85Mbps Ethernet Adapter:
Do you own a really big house?? No, me neither … OK, so do you own or live in a 1950’s council house that seems to have unfeasably dense walls that mean from one room to the next your full power 802.11G wifi network is down to 20% 2 rooms away from the base station? Ahhhh, now we’re talking.
I’m running an Airport Extreme basestation capable of transmiting 802.11N and the one thing in my house that’s capable of using it is my AppleTV. Unfortunatly unless the planets are in some particularly strange alignment we always seem to suffer from breakup or stuttering when watching programs on it. This is particularly annouing when you realise that I’ve spent quite a lot of time ripping my entire (OK, so I’m still working on it) DVD collection into iTunes and have at my disposal just inder 1.5TB of films and TV to watch on it.
Enter the HomePlug PowerLine series of gadgets. Now I know broadband over powerlines has been promised for many years and seems to have spectacularly failed to deliver, but using these devices as a localised for of that seems to work really nicely!
You simply plug one of them in near your network and connect it with a standard ethernet cable. Then you plug a second device in right over the other side of your house and take the network back out of it using another standard ethernet cable … magic!
The blurb that comes with the devices and on the website claims that it also encrypts your network just so that your neibhors can’t access it, but I think I’ll be locking mine down by MAC address or something similar in the next day or so, just to be sure.
Other than that the results were perfect. I’ve been flicking around on AppleTV like a madman earlier today without even a hint of skipping … w00t!
Darwin award, almost . . .
Last year as part of the Red Bull Expirement, during a New Year TV special, an insane yank Rhys Millen was going to attempt to back-flip a truck. Despite all of the usual protestations of ‘WORLDS FIRST!’ during the commentary on this type of event, it’s very rare that they’re not, in fact, actually practiced and completed beforehand.
It was during one of these practice attempts that Rhys Millen landed his truck up-side down and broke his back, specifically three broken vertebrae in my neck and two compressed and broken vertebrae in my back … ouchie.
Clearly the expreience didn’t knock any sense into him because he’s going to try is again this year and as part of the build up to the event a video has been released of the failed attempt that led to the injury.
You have to say from watching that video it doesn’t look even close to being possible, but according to the man himself during earlier training the stunt was landed 3 times successfully in training (allbeit into a large pile of cardboard boxes)
Good luck this year Rhys 🙂
BASE Jumping the Burj Dubai
BASE Jumping the Burj Dubai: BASE jumping is clearly a somewhat insane thing to do (and this is coming from someone with 80 skydives in his logbook) … but if you’re gonna do it, do it big. At the moment the biggest is the Burj Dubai but there are plans afoot for buildings twice it’s size!! Now that sounds like real fun 😉
Quiz of the week’s news
Quiz of the week’s news: Things are looking up … I always always ALWAYS end up scoring 2 out of 7 on the BBC week’s news quiz. However, this week I managed 7!! w00t!
The reality rebellion
Could it finally be true? Have the public, the people that have encouraged the ‘reality’ tv explosion finally got sick of it? Are they turning their back on it and deliberatly sabotaging the shows that they watch or have the program makers just finally gone too far in trying to sensationalise the shows by telling the judges to be overly harsh about the performers.
I don’t really care, but if it finally slows down the onslaught of these shows I’ll be very happy.
Bush ‘seeks to ease wildlife law’
Bush ‘seeks to ease wildlife law’:
Fingers crossed Mr Obama will reverse this one pretty quickly in a couple of months time – it’s clear that George ‘dubya’ Bush is not going to go down in history as having been a friend to the environment during his time in office.
From seemingly doing his upmost to stall any type of global environmental effort at the Kyoto summit, then refusing to take part in it (thereby rendering the whole thing kinda useless?), to overturning the banning of oil drilling in Alaska (something put in place by his predecessor Bill Clinton during his last days in office), and now this. A move presumably designed to allow his gun totin’ friends access to more shootable ‘game’
I said it before on my first blog several years ago … George Bush is a Monkey faced arsehole, thank god he’s nearly gone.
Strictly stars support Sergeant
Strictly stars support Sergeant: Is this really what’s passing for news now? … is it a slow news day today? A guy in a popularity contest has walked out because he’s too popular and that might stop someone else from winning … bah humbug!
LOLGRIFFIN: LOLcats Vs the BNP … he he he