Kite Surfer Vs House
I get the feeling that this may be a viral add but it’s funny none the less … possibly noteable for the long warning at the start of the video about not doing stupid things like trying to kite-surf over a house and culminating with the wonderful phrase “if you take chances, at least wear a good video cam!”
The Day the Earth Stood Still Takes a Tumble
The Day the Earth Stood Still Takes a Tumble:
oh thank goodness … The Day the Earth Stood Still is a classic 1950’s alien invasion film. It’s been referenced in films as diverse as Evil Dead III, Toy Story and Tron.
It’s an Alien invasion film but it’s really about, as a lot of films at the time were, nuclear war. In short, one alien ship lands, one man and one robot appear (OK, it’s the 1950’2 and they were doing things on the cheap) and there’s a lot of commentary about how the general population of this planet are trying to f@&k each other over.
For a society that believes it is alone in the universe, a single shil, a single person and a single robot is such a fundamental shift in their world prespective they can’t cope …
Now, 57 years on from that film the new release of the film apparently (and I will freely admit at this point I’ve only see a couple of clips, reviews and trailers) needs one man, one ship, multiple GIANT HUGE SPHERES all over the world and some weird robotic bee things?!?
The nuclear war possible threatening othe planets thing has been throw away and replaced by an environmental theme , , , is it just me or does that feel a good 10 or more years late??
It’s a shame because it’a another crap film for Keanu Reeves … he was good in Bill & Ted (both of them, because, wtf), I liked him in Johnny Mnemonic. Point Break totally rocks, Men In Black, the first Matrix film is Uber cool and Constantine is pretty damn good too. The common theme running through all these films is that Keanu Reeves plays Keanu Reeves … don’t believe me, check out Dangerous Liasons, Dracula or Much Ado About Nothing (another film I actually quite like).
Anyhoo, back to tthe point. Yet another travesty, yet another film that didn’t need remaking just because it was in black and white of doesn’t have computer animation in it … leave these films alone and come up with an original idea for a change!!!
As a hint to the future if you want to piss me off some more please have a go at Fantastic Voyage, Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Citizen kane!!!!!
The Stories Behind Hollywood Studio Logos
The Stories Behind Hollywood Studio Logos:
Have you ever wondered why film companies have the logo they do? No, neither had I until I saw a link to a page telling me about them … check it out, it’s kinda interesting 🙂
Top 10 Incredible Food Facts
More interesting foody facts (actually the first lot from last year) mentioning amongst other things that “The FDA allows an average of 30 or more insect fragments and one or more rodent hairs per 100 grams of peanut butter” … eewwwwwwwwww!
Another 10 Fascinating Food Facts
Another 10 Fascinating Food Facts:
Onions taste the same as Apples, Bananas have large hard seeds, Ketchup was originally a fish sauce and 7-up used to contain Lithium – the drug commonly prescribed now to sufferers of bi-polar disorder.
If you go to pub quiz’s this page could just win for you one of these weeks 🙂
‘Time-bending drug’ for jet lag
‘Time-bending drug’ for jet lag:
I know a couple of people who are going to be interested in this, none of whom spend a lot of time travelling. One is a friend with a dodgy internal body clock and the other is theWife who sufferes from having to sleep next to someone who ‘allegedly ’ snores!
Anti-realistic photography
Most people using computers and graphics spend huge sums of money and time trying to make fake thing look as real as possible … it’s therefore a tad weird to see someone take pics of real and quite dramatic events and using some technique known as tilt/shift, make it look like a bunch of dinky toys!
I’m sure someone could sit me down in a pub and spend a long time explaining to me how this technique works but it wouldn’t make any difference, I still wouldn’t understand it … bloody cool though 🙂
GelaSkins, Protection with Style, not Bulk
GelaSkins, Protection with Style, not Bulk:
If you’ve currently got one of the more traditional covers or wallets for you iPhone/iPod etc and you’ve only got it in order to prevent scratches, then you might want to look at these GelaSkins.
They are, aparently, easily removeable, have some great artwork on and seemily fit just about anything. I might have to get myself a couple, I’ll let you know if I do and report on how they work out …
“Tickle Him!”
Recently Maxin magazine conducted an interview with the guy who provides the voiceovers for, amongst other things, Mortal Kombat. You know, the scary deep voiced intro’s and fight ending “Finish Him!”
As part of the interview the persuaded him to record a few not so scary phrases in the same voice … a choine couple being the previously mentioned “Tickle Him!”, the slightly camp “Flawless…Ensemble” and the glorious “Epic FAIL!”
Now all I need to do it figure out what to do with them 🙂
Upside Down Dogs
Upside Down Dogs: possibly the greatest upside down dog picture in the world … ever!