oobject » jet engine test videos
oobject » jet engine test videos: Some cool/interesting vids of jet tests – No. 7 is presumably what happened to Mavrick in Top Gun??
Upside Down Dogs
Upside Down Dogs: The new lolcats? Freaky, funny, weird and sometimes terrifying …
SupersizedMeals.com – Foodstuffs of Epic Proportions
SupersizedMeals.com – Foodstuffs of Epic Proportions: HUGE food … funny, obscene, disgusting, degrading and delightful in equal measure!
BBC NEWS | Health | Speed of eating ‘key to obesity’
BBC NEWS | Health | Speed of eating ‘key to obesity’: Could this be the key to my problems??
Girl fed school staff hash cakes
Shared by Adam
Dude!!! That’s so not funny 😉
Two teaching assistants at a Leeds school go to hospital after eating “hash cakes” given to them by a pupil.
Bizarre walking strategies of artifically evolved organisms
Shared by Adam
Darwin@Home . . . the virtual evolution of walking and running
Here’s a mesmerizing ten-minute video from the Darwin@Home project (which harnesses idle computers to simulate evolution) that shows the different, bizarre randomly evolved walking-strategies that have emerged from the simulations.
(via Kottke)
Boy fed zoo reptiles to crocodile
Shared by Adam
Good grief, that’s horrific!
A seven-year-old boy has been filmed killing rare reptiles and feeding live ones to a crocodile at a popular zoo in Australia.
Blaine begins upside down stunt
Shared by Adam
errrr . . . what a total pillock
US illusionist David Blaine begins his latest endurance challenge – hanging upside down for almost three days.
Baby-Eating 4Moms Robo Stroller Packs, Unpacks Itself [Death Trap]
Shared by Adam
Any gadget freaks about to have baby’s are probably gonna wanna get one of these 🙂
This automated baby stroller from 4Moms, due out in 2009, has international incident written all over it. The hands-free collapsing trick seen in the video is neat looking, but what happens when Tiny Tim gets strapped in for a morning constitutional and mommy accidentally hits the “fold” button? Well, I’ll tell you what happens. John Connor suddenly appears next to the thing in a flash of electricity, buck naked, and fights a T-1000 to the death. That’s what happens.
Another cool thing about this stroller, on a serious note, is that the automation is powered by a rechargeable generator. For every 300 feet of “strolling,” you get some more juice. The plastic is also 90% recycled materials, so the coming robot Apocalypse will be environmentally sound, at the very least. No price just yet, but cup holders, and a reclining seat are GO for launch. Update: $650! [Growing Your Baby via Born Rich]
Light Bot, a very nice game for programmers :)
Shared by Adam
nice, simple, fun little game 🙂
submitted by eindbaas to programming
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