Todays Tweets . . .
September 8, 2009 · Posted in brain dump . . .
- at end of the first week of #pectember I have lost 4lbs!! Have turned the dial to 2lbs a week and have lost 300 calories/day! #
- something weird going on in Cambridge, just been past the Courthouse and there are a bunch of satellite vans round the back??? #
- ah, I guess it's related to this, #
- have a couple of free evenings while theWife's away – am spending the first driving my in-laws to Heathrow, M25 'fun' and games approaching #
- in-laws depoited, at South Mimms for a comfort break on the way home, denying myself the usual Burger King motorway treat today #pectember #
- I should really go to bed now – gonna be wrecked at 6am tomorrow morning 🙁 #
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